How to smoke a chicken on an electric grill? A step-by-step guide on how to smoke a chicken on an electric grill.

Cooking a delicious smoked chicken on an electric grill is surprisingly easy and doesn’t require special skills. You can make a succulent meal in your backyard with the right ingredients, temperature control, and patience. This blog will provide detailed instructions on how to smoke a chicken on an electric grill. We’ll cover marinating techniques, heat settings, cooking times, and more.

Can I Smoke Chicken on an Electric Grill?

Yes, you can! Cooking a chicken on an electric grill is much easier than you may think! To ensure that your chicken cooks correctly, the most important step is to set the correct temperature. The ideal temperature for smoking a chicken on an electric grill should be around 200-225°F. 

Make sure that you preheat your electric grill before adding your food. This will help cook the meat evenly and prevent it from drying out.

Once your electric grill has reached the desired temperature, place the chicken on the grates and close the lid. Allow it to cook until an internal thermometer reads 165°-168°F when inserted into the thickest part of the poultry. After this temperature is reached, please remove it from your electric grill and enjoy!

How to Smoke a Chicken on an Electric Grill- Steps

When cooking chicken in an electric grill smoker, it is important to ensure the meat stays moist and juicy. Here are some tips to keep your chicken moist:

1. Preheat your smoker according to the manufacturer’s instructions before adding the chicken. This will help create a hot environment that will lock moisture into the meat.

2. Marinate or brine the chicken before placing it on the grill. Brining adds flavor and moisture to the meat while marinating adds flavor and a smoky hue when cooked over direct heat.

3. Use a digital thermometer to check for the doneness of meat regularly during cooking. Chicken should be cooked until an internal temperature of 165°F is reached.

4. Baste the chicken with a marinade or sauce mixture during cooking to keep the meat moist.

5. Cover the chicken with a thin layer of aluminum foil while cooking to help retain moisture and avoid drying out the meat.

Following this simple guide, you can ensure that your chicken will be succulent, juicy, and flavorful when cooked in an electric grill smoker. Enjoy!

Do you Cover Chicken with Foil When Smoking on an Electric Grill?

The answer is that it depends. Some chefs prefer to cover their chicken with aluminum foil during the first part of the cooking process – also known as “sweating” – to trap moisture and help keep the meat from drying out. 

This technique can be especially useful for larger cuts of meat or if your electric grill does not have a temperature gauge that allows you to lower the internal temperature.

Once your chicken has reached the desired internal temperature, you can remove the foil to allow the chicken to brown. However, some recipes and techniques call for leaving your chicken uncovered while smoking on an electric grill. This method is often used when the desired result is crispier skin or a smokey flavor.

How Long Does it Take to Smoke a Chicken on an Electric Smoker?

Generally speaking, the time needed to smoke a chicken on an electric smoker will depend on the size of the bird and the temperature at which you’re smoking it. You can expect most chickens to take between two and four hours when smoked on an electric smoker.

To ensure your chicken is cooked properly, insert a thermometer into the thick and large part of the thigh/breast area (avoiding bone). Be sure to allow your chicken enough rest after smoking to allow the juices to reabsorb, and the meat will be moist and flavorful.


In conclusion, smoking a chicken on an electric grill is a great way to add flavour and tenderness to the bird. The process requires the right equipment, proper setup, and attention to temperature control to achieve optimal results. With a little patience and practice, you can master this cooking technique and enjoy smoky chicken dishes whenever you feel like it. Try using different types of wood chips for various flavour profiles, or experiment with different dry rubs for unique aromas and tastes.